Three Questions: Passing AB 246, the Myth of Homelessness, Supporting Rent Regulations
Three Questions: Passing AB 246, the Myth of Homelessness, Supporting Rent Regulations
Housing Is A Human Right Supports AB 246 to Stop Rent Gouging After LA Wildfires
Housing Is A Human Right Supports AB 246 to Stop Rent Gouging After LA Wildfires
New Survey Shows Wide Support for Rent Stabilization from Both Republicans and Democrats
New Survey Shows Wide Support for Rent Stabilization from Both Republicans and Democrats
The Real Dirt: Rent Gougers, Shady Campaign Cash, and Corporate YIMBYs
The Real Dirt: Rent Gougers, Shady Campaign Cash, and Corporate YIMBYs
Rent-Stabilization Laws Are Essential for Protecting Tenants, Say Experts
Rent-Stabilization Laws Are Essential for Protecting Tenants, Say Experts
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In The News: A Call For City Hall To Act

Save Our SROs! Single-room occupancy hotels are a key tool to address the homelessness crisis. SROs can be renovated quickly and cost-effectively to urgently provide housing for low-income and unhoused residents. But L.A. elected officials have silently stood by while SROs are kept empty or are turned into luxury housing. Housing Is A Human Right demands that L.A. politicians utilize these buildings for low-income and homeless housing. Save Our SROs!

Adaptive Reuse: An Alternative Housing Solution

California is facing a humanitarian crisis. Over 161,000 people are living homeless on our streets and thousands cannot pay rent.

We need practical solutions to the housing crisis. Adaptive reuse is an alternative housing model that takes existing unused buildings like motels, offices and commercial space and turns them into housing.

We can house our homeless community faster for less money, saving taxpayer dollars. Join us in supporting adaptive reuse. 

Protect Single Room Occupancy Housing

One immediate solution to the homelessness crisis is to “Save Our SROs”. Single-room occupancy hotels provide essential affordable housing for low-income residents. They can be renovated and updated quickly and inexpensively to provide for our unhoused neighbors. L.A. elected officials have silently stood by while SROs are kept empty or are turned into luxury housing. HHR demands that L.A. politicians utilize these buildings for low-income and homeless housing.

Protect Single Room Occupancy Housing

Contact the Mayor's Office today to save our SROs.

Homelessness Needs Real Solutions

People experiencing homelessness get pushed from neighborhood to neighborhood in Los Angeles. Criminalization is not the answer - permanent housing is the solution.



Why It Should Be Opposed

AIDS Healthcare Foundation, the parent organization of Housing Is A Human Right, has sued to stop California bill SB 10. It's another pro-gentrification, trickle-down housing policy that makes the housing affordability crisis worse. Watch our recent press conference to learn more about this important lawsuit.

New poll shows Californians oppose SB 9 by 71% and SB 10 by 75%.
46% will look unfavorably on Gov. Newsom if he supports SB 9 or SB 10.
